Tag Archives: China Panda

China Panda

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Panda is a unique black and white coat and lively animals. Its Latin name: Ailuropoda melanoleuca, is that it refers to black and white appearance. Species of giant pandas is a controversial issue for a century, recent DNA analysis shows that now the internationally accepted it as a Bear Branch, the subfamily classification of the giant panda, China is also gradually recognized. Traditional classification will be a separate domestic panda pandas Division. It represents an early branch of Bear Branch. Adult panda is about 120 ~ 190 cm, weight 85-125 kg. Unique features include: large, flat molars, it has developed into a wrist “pseudo thumb,” which are designed to adapt to the bamboo-eating life. And the other six different bears, pandas and sun bears are not hibernating behavior.
Panda panda ancestor is the beginning (Ailuaractos lufengensis), the giant panda’s scientific name is actually called “panda”, meaning “bear cat” that is “essentially similar to the bear, and looks similar to a cat.” Strictly speaking “Panda” is the wrong term. This “erroneous” is such a cause: the liberation, Chongqing, Sichuan panda museum has on display specimens, indicating the cards from left to right on the cross read, “panda” word. However, the title used at the press cross to recognize and read from right to left, so the reporters will be reporting on in the “panda” mistakenly written as “Panda.” “Panda” is widely disseminated by the media, he is used, it would be difficult to correct. Thus, only the wrong people, “the panda” to “Panda.” In fact, scientists naming pandas as “panda”, because it’s similar to the ancestors with the ancestors of bears, are carnivores. This is a bear by the class to be evolved to meat
  Original Panda
Dominated the first panda. Before the panda’s main branch in the central and southern China to continue to evolve, one of about 300 million years ago in the early stage of the Pleistocene, body shape than it is now Panda, inferred from the teeth and it has evolved to become the food of bamboo omnivorous animals, oviparous bears, since the main branch extended to the sub-tropical, widely distributed in north, northwest, east, southwest and South China and northern Vietnam and Myanmar have found fossils. In this process, adapted to the subtropical bamboo pandas living increases dependent on bamboo for a living body. Dating back 50-70 Wan

Pandas eat (14) years of the Pleistocene, the heyday of the late giant panda. Now the giant panda molars developed, in addition to toe claws but also have a “thumb.” This “thumb” is actually a specialization of carpal formation, scientific name is called “radial sesamoid,” mainly from the role of holding the bamboo. Qinling panda has been identified as a subspecies of giant panda. Fossils show that the giant panda ancestors in 2 to 3 million years ago alluvial discipline early. Dating back hundreds of thousands of years ago, the giant panda’s heyday, it belongs to the group Stegodon paleontology, giant panda habitat once covered much of eastern and southern China region, north of Beijing, the southern and south Vietnam, Myanmar North (Schaller, 1993). Fossils are usually at an altitude of 500 to 700 meters found in temperate or subtropical forests. Later, the animals have become extinct over the same period, the giant panda has relict now, and keep the original ancient features, so a lot of scientific value, and therefore known as “animal living fossil”, the Chinese put it as the “national treasure.” Today, giant pandas have a very narrow distribution, restricted to the Qinling Mountains in China, Singapore, Minshan, Qionglai, size, and the Liangshan Mountains of the local area. Tremendous changes in giant panda habitat occur only in modern times. In recent years China’s population surge and occupation of land, a lot of habitat disappeared. Previously, giant pandas have been living in the low mountain valley, has now become settlements. Giant pandas live in bamboo can grow only the 1200 ~ 3400 meters above sea level. At present, our Government has taken a series of effective measures to better protect this endangered living fossil. The survival of giant panda, had attracted worldwide attention. In the future to protect and breed giant pandas, but also continue to look for other panda, panda give a good living conditions. And fed every day to eat bamboo.
Very special recipe for giant pandas, including almost can find in the mountain areas of various bamboo, pandas occasionally meat (usually the animal’s body, sometimes also eat bamboo rat). Giant panda’s unique features make it the locals called the food “bamboo bear.” Bamboo lack of nutrition, can only provide the basic nutrients needed to survive, the giant panda and gradually evolved to adapt to the characteristics of this recipe. In the wild, in addition to sleep or short-range activities, feeding the panda every day for 14 hours. A giant panda eat every day 12 to 38 kilograms of food, close to 40% of their body weight. Giant pandas eat bamboo like the most nutritious, containing at least part of the cellulose, which stems, buds, and bamboo shoots. Giant panda habitat usually have at least two kinds of bamboo. When a bamboo flowering time of death (30 to 120 years each bamboo will periodically bloom death), giant pandas can turn feeding the other bamboo. However, continued habitat fragmentation within the state increased by only one bamboo habitat may be, when the death of bamboo, giant pandas in the region will face the threat of starvation.